The hydrogen and
fuel cell center

ZBT news section

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Latest news and announcements of ZBT

   ZBT and ZSW build new analysis labs in Germany
   GreenTeamTwente wins the Hydrogen-UrbanConcept category at ShellEcoMarathon Europe in London - with ZBT fuel cell!
   Das aktualisierte Programm und die Informationen zur Posterausstellung sind online! Am Donnerstag den 01.06.2017 freuen wir uns, Sie zur 10. Veranstaltung der AiF Brennstoffzellen-Allianz in Duisburg begrüßen zu dürfen.
   Mit Beginn zum 1. Mai 2017 fördert die Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen (AiF) das IGF-Vorhaben Entwicklung der inkrementellen Mikroumformung zur Funktionsmusterherstellung metallischer Bipolarplatten (IGF-Nr.: 14 EWN).
   Am Girls'Day öffnen Unternehmen, Betriebe und Hochschulen in ganz Deutschland ihre Türen für Schülerinnen ab der 5. Klasse. Die Mädchen lernen dort Ausbildungsberufe und Studiengänge in IT, Handwerk, Naturwissenschaften und Technik kennen, in denen Frauen bisher eher selten vertreten sind. Oder sie begegnen weiblichen Vorbildern in Führungspositionen aus Wirtschaft und Politik. Der Girls'Day 2017 fand am 27. April 2017 statt.
   Hydrogen as an energy carrier is the decisive link for the sectoral coupling within a successful energy and transport restructuring. Hydrogen produced from renewables by means of electrolysis offers the potential for emission-free mobility with fuel-cell vehicles such as passenger cars or buses. In the industrial sector the use of "green" hydrogen is becoming a major focus of research and development to reduce harmful emissions. Within the scope of the technology introduction into the different applications, questions about operating concepts, lifetime, quantity measurement, sensor quality and quality assurance are to be addressed.
   Das ZBT nimmt am "Mädchen-Zukunftstag" teil: Einblick in die chemischen Labore einer Forschungseinrichtung
   We are looking forward to presenting you at Hanover Fair 2017 current topics concerning the testing of hydrogen infrastructure components. Please visit us from 24th-28th April 2017 at the joint stand of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in Hall 27, booth E40!
   ZBT presents its portfolio in electrolysis, fuels and batteries
   While increasing the number of stacks in a ramp up the technical tasks for production technologies and quality assurance for the individual components of the fuel cell becomes significantly more evident. ZBT toady makes a significant contribution to the start production of fuel cell stacks by the development and manufacturing of high-precision seals. In the meantime, seals have been produced in the five-digit number range for different customers and designs at ZBT.
Last update:  28.03.2024