The hydrogen and
fuel cell center

Latest information on our scientific projects

Here we do inform you on our current projects at ZBT. You will find the published project reports in our publication list. For any further inquiries please contact us directly.

Brennstoffzellensysteme können eine nachhaltige Alternative zu Dieselantrieben im Lkw-Fernverkehr sein. Das ZBT entwickelt in einem neuen Forschungsprojekt ein Degradationsmodell, um gleichzeitig die Energieeffizienz und die Lebensdauer der Brennstoffzellen durch effiziente Betriebsstrategien zu maximieren.
PFAS könnten bald verboten werden. Kann für Wärmeübertragerplatten Graphit-Polyphenylensufid eine Alternative sein? Das ZBT entwickelt ein Extrusionsverfahren für dieses Material.
In order to make fuel cells fit for cost-effective mass production, ZBT is investigating new, creative methods. The idea behind the recently launched project "TheBiPo" is to extrude a film from a graphite-polymer compound and then thermoform it into finished bipolar plates.
The MetroHyVe 2 project compares European sampling systems for hydrogen filling stations. At the second sampling event, the systems had to show what they can do. The samples were immediately sent on to the laboratory.
In order for hydrogen to help reduce emissions from heavy-duty transport, standardised sampling systems are needed for refuelling facilities at 350 bar to monitor hydrogen quality. The MetHyTrucks project aims to contribute to this.
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