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Dipl.-Ing. Michael Steffen

head of 
Department Fuels and Processes

phone: +49-203-7598-3033
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Decentralized production of hydrogen

The efficient and cost-effective production of hydrogen from biogenic and fossil fuels occupies a key position for stationary fuel cell technology. However, hydrogen is also needed in other areas of application and industrial sectors, where on-site production can be economically and environmentally viable.

The know-how at the ZBT covers the entire process chain from fuel desulphurisation and process-related component development to the complete hydrogen generator as a stand-alone system or for integration into overall systems. Hydrogen is produced using various reforming processes or pyrolysis for numerous fuels, including natural gas, biogas, liquid gas, alcohols or xtL.

Reformer systems with a nominal output of 2.5 to 12.5 kWth have been developed for stationary use, e.g. in fuel cell heating systems. The focus with regard to fuel is currently on natural gas and liquid gas, but research projects with biogenic fuels, including biogas, are increasingly being carried out.

For mobile power supply, a reformer system with a nominal output of 1 kWth for liquid gas operation was developed. This has been optimised in terms of production technology as part of an industrial project. 

Natural Gas Reformer
Reformer 2006
Last update:  06.09.2023